Sunday, April 5, 2015

Chemo Update

So far the chemo treatments haven't been bad (praise God!).  I have noticed one side effect though - sweet-flavored things no longer taste very sweet.  The nurse did say that chemo could affect the palette, but it's still a little sad given how big of a sweet tooth I have.  Still, this is a good reminder that the joys of this world pale in comparison to the sweetness of walking with Christ.

In other news, for the first time since diagnosis, my total protein levels are back in a normal range!  (The total protein count from my physical was what caused the doctors to run more tests which eventually resulted in the multiple myeloma diagnosis).  While it seems to indicate that the treatment is starting to work, it doesn't necessarily mean that the amount of cancer in my bone marrow is going down; we won't know that for sure until we run more specific tests in a couple of weeks.  Still, praise God!

Oh ... and a third praise God for the day - Christ is risen!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bryan!

    Praise God for the good news that your proteins are up and the chemo is going ok. But big bummer on the sweet taste buds :(

    I check your blog regularly and we are still praying for you often.

