Saturday, March 14, 2015


I think the most frequent comment I get from people who see me after finding out about my diagnosis is, "You look so healthy!"  I can't blame them.  I feel healthy.  I guess that's the funny thing about cancer; what you look like on the outside doesn't change the reality on the inside.  The same is true of our spiritual condition.  We may appear to be good people to anyone who sees us, but it doesn't change the fact that the sin inside us puts us at odds with a holy God.

While people may fail to recognize their spiritual condition, at some point the sin inside us deserves to be punished.  For Christians, that sin was punished when Christ endured the full wrath of God on the cross.  For those that don't repent, those sins will be punished on the last day.  Friends, don't let the outward appearance of being a good person and feeling that God approves of you blind you from the reality that you need cleansing on the inside.  Reach out to me if you have questions or want to know more.


I was feeling rather down today.  I found myself questioning why God would allow this.  I found myself angry at the cancer inside me.  I felt overwhelmed by the road ahead.  Just when I started feeling alone and trapped in my thoughts, I received an email from the pastor at the church where I grew up.  He, too, battled cancer, and he just shared that the whole church staff is praying for me regularly.  This was yet another reminder that God loves and cares for me.  He brings the right people at the right time to give me just what I need.  Some may chalk that up to coincidence; I instead view it as further proof of the goodness of God.

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